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The 11 Most Attractive Features of Homes for Sale in Los Angeles

If you’re planning on selling your house, it’s not a bad time to brush up on the most attractive features of homes for sale in Los Angeles. After all, our housing market is fairly unique when compared to the rest of the country. While some of these alluring details are time-tested favorites others are a bit more fluid and subject to trends. However, even if your home doesn’t o...

What’s the Difference Between a Buyer’s Market and Seller’s Market?

Last week, we discussed our latest absorption rate statistics and how they are indicative of a seller’s market. Likely, some of you asked yourself, “What is a seller’s market?” And by comparison, you may have also wondered what defines a buyer’s market.  Recognizing the difference can be key in planning your buying or selling strategy. But it can ...

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Resale Value is the Top Consideration When Browsing Los Angeles Condos for Sale

We love helping unite people with their first home. But in LA’s competitive housing market, not everyone is financially prepared for home ownership. Does that mean the door to real estate investment is closed to them? Not exactly. The city’s inventory of condominiums provides a means of securing your own place while avoiding the hefty investment of a freestanding home. But before yo...

Absorption Rate Analysis: November 2022 Underscores That the Success of Los Angeles Homes For Sale Varies Widely By Neighborhood

November’s Absorption Rates artfully illustrate the night-and-day diversity of markets around the Greater Los Angeles area. Those who have been following this column will easily recall how October showed all (but one!) neighborhood drop toward a buyer’s market. And this was after watching several neighborhoods continuously edge further into the seller’s favor. But November kep...

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Absorption Rate Analysis December 2022: “Surge” is the Word for Selling Houses in Los Angeles

If the end of 2022 is anything to go by, it’s certainly a happy new year for those selling houses in Los Angeles. The absorption rates for each of our neighborhoods surged deeper into a sellers market in December with the exception of one. Some of those surges were negligible. But one neighborhood made the most aggressive jump we’ve ever seen since we started tracking absorption rat...

8 Reasons Why We Won’t See Home Prices Dropping Anytime Soon

If you’re looking forward to home prices dropping in the near future, you may want to read this. Our CEO, founder, and principal broker Harout Keuroghlian recently made clear his belief that we’re not going to be seeing home prices reduced by much, if any, in the foreseeable future. And when Harout has a “belief”, you can count on it being more of an educated guess. His ...

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Absorption Rate Analysis: February 2023 – New Places, Same Housing Market

After last month’s dramatic (at least at first glance) absorption rates, February’s numbers seemed to move things back to a state of normalcy. Admittedly, “normal” for the Los Angeles housing market would still give a mechanical bull a run for its money. But our agents have learned to ride those bucks and dips without spilling a drop of their coffee. Though it was a much...

With Million Dollar Homes as the Standard in LA, Angelenos Want Solutions

At the turn of the millennium, a gameshow started to dominate pop culture in the U.S. due to its lofty promises of wild riches. Today, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire could easily be retitled Who Wants to Own a Home in Los Angeles. Sure, it’s not as catchy. But it pretty much equates to the same thing. The Los Angeles Times summed it up as much in their recent ...

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Absorption Rate Analysis – October 2023: The Calm Before the Storm?

While the real estate industry is still reeling from a federal jury’s decision to rule against the National Association of Realtors, October’s absorption rates may be feeling like the calm before the storm. There may be candy wrappers blowing gently off the streets on November 1. But October brought no tricks or treats to the Greater Los Angeles area’s housing market...

Absorption Rate Analysis: December 2023 – Secretly Good News for Buyers?

As our absorption rate analysis blogs have likely emphasized by now, statistics are often at the whim of interpretation. These numbers are concrete: they tell us something that actually happened. A certain number of homes were sold in a given area. A certain number of homes were on the market in that same area. Anything beyond that is an assigned meaning that we’ve come to through a mixtu...